Authenticating Bitbucket Access with a Cloud-Based VCS Repository

Authenticating GitHub Access with a Cloud-Based VCS Repository Service, describes how to create the OAuth credentials needed to access GitHub. This section adds the additional details if you are planning on using Bitbucket to access your source code.

Bitbucket also uses the OAuth standard to allow you to tell Bitbucket that your iCR for Java server is allowed to redirect login credentials for Bitbucket to authenticate. To set this up, login into Bitbucket and click on your login icon to drop down your user profile.

This opens another menu on the left.

That expanded menu is long, so scroll to the bottom to make sure that you see all the options.

The “OAuth consumers” page is where you tell Bitbucket to allow your Server to allow logins redirected from the Server.

Click on “Add Consumer” to add a new OAuth consumer for iCR for Java. This brings up the Add OAuth consumer page.

For the consumer “Name” use whatever you like. “iCR for Java” has been used in this example. You also must enter the redirect URL to the server. Bitbucket’s OAuth uses that to verify the authorization handshake. Enter the URL as your server’s IP address with port 3001 and the callback text. Using the example IP address from Authenticating GitHub Access with a Cloud-Based VCS Repository Service, enter:

You also need to select both the Account: Read and the Pull requests: Write options. Then, select Save to complete the consumer authorization.

Click on the newly added consumer to display its items to be copied.

As was noted in Authenticating GitHub Access with a Cloud-Based VCS Repository Service, once you have completed this step, you will need to copy the Key and the Secret. From here, the process is the same as outlined for GitHub Cloud.

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