The Navigator top banner
Once the User password is updated, you are presented with the Navigator Home screen. From here, you can select and open project repositories with your projects, analyze one of more branches of any of these projects and then, following analysis, you can review and apply corrections to flaws detected in those branches.
At the top of screen, on the right side, you see 5 buttons:

The Settings button is used to change or configure a number of optional properties for iCR for Java.

The User's password can be updated using the Change Password setting. This was used when you first connected to the Navigator to change your password from the default.
Similarly, when you first accessed your VCS, you were prompted for OAuth credentials. Should you need to update those later, for example, if your IP address changed, you can use the Change GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket credentials settings to update those.
iCR supports integrating iCR into your Jira bug tracking system. After using Jira to create a bug tracking project, set the Jira credentials using this setting.
You can add contact information using the Update Contact Info setting, if you choose to send OpenRefactory either crash information or other feedback about the operation of iCR.
Some users may decide that they want to limit the scope of what source files iCR will analyze to a subset of their whole project. Use this to define that scope.
iCR may be triggered in a DevOps CI/CD workflow. In order to allow the workflow to access a User's repositories, User credentials must be supplied. To support this, iCR provides a unique User Token for each User. This token is used in the workflow task to securely identify a specifc User. You can learn more about iCR's support for CI/CD Workflows in the CI/CD Integration Guide.
The Help button will take you to the OpenRefactory Website where you can download help documents, and view the Video Tutorials to help you learn how to use iCR for Java. Under the Help menu is also the About request. Selecting this will display the current operating version of the software.
The Comment button allows you to send your feedback to OpenRefactory. Your feedback helps us to improve the interface and also helps us to improve the quality of the service by getting feedback concerning potential false positives or improvements on the Fixers.
The Usage button presents a brief summary of the license status for this instance of iCR. Since the total capacity of an iCR server is limited by its subscription, you need to know if sufficient capacity remains to analyze your project(s). It provides a summary of the number of OpenRefactory Bundled Lines of Code (OBLoCs) that have been analyzed against this subscription to date, and how many are remaining in your subscription. Should you not have enough remaining capacity for your needs, you would need to contact your iCR server Administrator who needs to upgrade the capacity of this iCR server.

Finally, the Logout button logs you out of iCR for Java and returns you back to the welcome screen. To re-enter, you would, of course, have to enter your Username and password again.
These buttons will be presented on all other screens in the application so that you can always Logout at any time or provide feedback and get help. You may only change the settings from this Home Screen, however.
Last updated